Lump Lump and the Blanket of Dreams - Official BooThis is a teaser book trailer for: "Lump Lump and the Blanket of Dreams: Inspired by Navajo Culture and Folklore" by Gwen Jackson Background Music Credit: "Shaman's Call" from the album "Earth Spirit" (CR-612) by R. Carlos Nakai published by Native American Flute Music (ASCAP) and administered by DMG Arizona (ASCAP). All rights reserved. 1. Book is in Education Collections Department at Purdue University and Arizona State University, among others. Check it out at 2. Two reviews by American Library Association: Booklist August 2016 and Booklinks Online September 2017 3. In the library at the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian 4. For weaving activity, go to: Please visit for more information.