The famous Huan Zhu Ge Ge series dubbed in Viet.
The 3rd series. Most links on google already dead. Here too all those who enjoy the 3rd series.
Personally, I love the first 2 more and extremely piss off because of the changes in characters. But as i watch the series, i like the new prince (play by Leo Ku) and the new zi wei. You can only enjoy this 3rd series if you stop comparing it to the first 2. I think this series is much better if it wasnt dub as the 3rd series of HZGG but instead a series all on its own. Most of the fun elements of the first 2 series had gone, but this series offer a total new adventure. I hope you all enjoy it.
As for the first 8 episodes. u can find them on Youtube. I'm too lazy to download it in the 1st place so i dont have it to upload.