"Princess Luanne and Wizard Heatheria" Book Corner (2)This video shows the covers that I did not show in my last video, but they are still part of the same series, "Princess Luanne and Wizard Heatheria".
(P.S. Again, please excuse the angle of the camera.)
Anyway, as I'd mentioned in the "subtitle vlogs", as I decided to call them, the "Princess Luanne and Wizard Heatheria" series is available on Amazon:
And for those of you just joining the digital age or this social circuit, here is the back story behind the series:
"Sisterhood is their ultimate magic. Teamwork, their ultimate power."
Princesses and wizards have reigned supreme in all forms of media, including books. Now, a reluctant Royal and a tween (soon to become a teen) wizard prodigy have joined forces to become the newest force for Good in an unknown part of the world. Meet Princess Luanne of Melania and Lady Heatheria Winchester, Wizard of Doloria.
When Luanne and Heatheria meet, they realize that they both long for good changes in their lives, and their wishes are granted when the Princess becomes Heatheria's apprentice, and Heatheria becomes Luanne's adoptive sister. Together, these sisters turned best friends traverse time, space, and dimension, changing lives for the better for all they meet.
Later on in the series, joining them on their quest to make the world a better place one person at a time are Heatheria's estranged mother, Marisa Winchester (although she has been replaced by a long-lost cousin now), and her long-lost brothers, Nathaniel and Remington. Together, they form a team and family of five that no Evil can completely defeat.
For latest updates RE: my book series, check me out on Twitter:
...and on my No-Nonsense Blog: