Gaming Meets RealityYES! I'M BACK!
I've become addicted to Yogurting *THUMBS UP*
Yeah, this is one of my "omfg-i-have-no-inspiration-so-i-came-up-with-this-random-thinger" AMVs.
I LOVE this song. With the greatest passion 8D! So, i thought, why not mix the real video, with some Yogurting clips?
And so i did, and there began my quest. It took a total of 3 days to work on it, but i left it alone for like 2 weeks because of school and life.
If you think this is good, your on some nice crack xD! I think it's.......OK.
I just made it out of boredom, and because, i can't come up with anything at the moment :/
Except for this apparently xD!
But yeah, new opening. WHEEE!
Lol. This is dedicated to mewmewpowerya because she gave me the Yogurting clips, so i wanted to thank her so very very much for them :]!
Hope you like it!