How to switch to the ER Diagram view in Navicat?Besides List and Detail views, Navicat enhances table viewing to a new ER Diagram view. In this ER Diagram view, you can view table fields and relationships between tables in a database or schema graphically.
To change to ER Diagram view, choose “ER Diagram” option in “View” from the main menu or simply click the “ER Diagram” icon at the bottom of the Table object list. To zoom in to or zoom out of the selected diagram area, adjust the slider of the “Overview”. To add a foreign key, click “New Relation” button from the bottom toolbar. Then drag the source field and drop to the target field.
Edit foreign key properties in the Table Designer. In ER Diagram view, double-click a table will open the Table Designer. Navicat will save the ER Diagram in a .ned file under “Settings Location”.