Springnet 439 - Not Just a Game - Dave Zirin -2You have to really dig around to find out what events are going on at the AT&T Center in Austin, because you won't find them on the AT&T Center's website where they are never publicized and you usually find them after the fact (like through Jon Lebkowsky's live twitter blogging) but I'm glad I set up a google alert for "AT&T Center" and got the email notice just in time to see this terrific free film and talk by Dave Zirin.
Dave Zirin, the Rachel Maddow of sports commentators, brought a free screening of his documentary film, "Not Just a Game", to the North American Society for Sport History ( #nassh) conference at the AT&T Center in Austin on Sunday, May 29. Dave Zirin is the bestselling author of five books, the sports editor of The Nation magazine (the only one ever in 150 years), and the host of Sirius XM Satellite's weekly show, Edge of Sports Radio. He blogs at The Edge of Sports http://edgeofsports.com
Dave has been called the best sports writer ever as well as the most controversial. He loves ...