DarkOneTrailer#3.DivxThe son a morphine addict, the mother a Holocaust survivor. The madness of a family on a hypnotic trip with Australian parrot. Dark One : Feature Length Experimental Documentary, 88 minutes-Director/Producer: Darryl Miller -Executive Producer: Elaine Pain-Production Company: Ice Cube Factory , Cupar, Saskatchewan.-Nominated for Best Canadian Feature Documentary at Hot Docs. 1743 entries. 129 films were screened. -Selected in 2007 for the official program of 50th edition of the International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film.DOK Leipzig is the largest German and one of the leading international festivals for artistic documentary and animated films.Out of a record 2,600 entries, only 120 animated and 190 documentary films were screened.Financial participation by.... Canada Council for the Arts, Saskatchewan Arts Board, SaskFilm and Video Development Corporation, Elaine Pain, and Ice Cube Factory.Links to FREE high resolution downloads + music at http://icecubefactory.blogspot.com/ http://darkonetrailers.blogspot.com/ http://elainepain.blogspot.com/