Carte Blance - Ibogaine Dr Debora Mash I didn't believe it. Then she heard about another researcher who had been working with rats that were trained to become addicted. And he was describing again that a single dose of ibogaine could make them stop taking the drugs. Dr Mash was determined to take the research forward. The FDA gave approval for clinical trials, but the pharmaceuticals were not prepared to put up the 100 million dollars for this. As a result, ibogaine remains banned in the USA. Deborah out to a Caribbean island, where we had government approval to conduct research and treatments with patients who were willing to pay for the treatment, understanding that it was not FDA approved. And we collected over 400 treatment episodes. We discovered that ibogaine can be given safely and that it does have efficacy for heroin users, for alcoholics and for psycho-stimulant abuses like cocaine and meth. Many thanks to "Masque" & "sam zodiac"