The most astonishing, never-before-seen information about the origins of human DNA has now been discovered. New Aramaic and Cuneiform studies provide extraordinary insight into human origins. What's more incredible is that this information is also verified by the Bible. You will literally hear this information from no other source on the planet as there has been a concerted effort to conceal it for thousands of years. Discover the links between DNA, the Pyramids, the Planet Saturn, the Holy Grail, UFO's, Aliens, the Ark of the Covenant and so much more. Prepare for a mind-blowing experience that will change your life for the better as you learn the truth for the first time in your life at
The movie never explained many things that you'll learn here and that the possessed child played with the Ouija Board prior to possession, or that his aunt got him involved in it.
There's a new movie called Samson. Is it totally based on the bible? Not exactly. Watch this video as it will tell you real story, which is far more exciting than the movie.
The rainbow a symbol of God’s covenant Gen. 9:13. A stairway a symbol of the way to God John 1:51 Thunder&lightning symbols of God’s majesty. Ps 97:2; Trumpets a symbol of God speaking Rev 8:6 The pillar of cloud&fire a symbol of guidance Ex 13:21
Are you looking for the Christian Gospel Tracts that clearly explains how to get saved? Then, you are in the right place! GO Evangelism! Is the readiest and reachable group for Christians. For more information visit
Part 2: What do the Scriptures say about the occult, magic, and zodiac signs?
YAH instructs us not to participate in certain beliefs & practices, including astrology & magic/sorcery.
We'll go over why according to YAH's Word.
(Live streamed 2-26-19)
Why were so many books deleted from the Bible? PART 3
[An exploration of what was hidden from us and why.]
All praises to the Most High! Glorify His name!
(Live streamed on 2-10-19)
PART 2: Why were so many books deleted from the Bible?
[An exploration of what was hidden from us and why.]
All praises to the Most High! Glorify His name! Make we seek His Truth and follow Him into all Truth!
(Live streamed 2-10-19)
Why were so many books deleted from the Bible? PART 1
[An exploration of what was hidden from us and why.]
All praises to the Most High! Glorify His name!
(Live streamed on 2-10-19)
Theistic Creation Science, Trinitarian Logos Philosophy and Christocentric Grace Religion.
If you have not yet watch THE MATHEMATICAL MIRACLE OF THE KING JAMES BIBLE, here's the
Kaneh Bosm : The Hidden Story of Cannabis in the Old Testament
We all face times of fear and uncertainty. Maybe you're concerned about the health of your child, parent, or maybe even your own? Maybe you've received notice that you might not have a job soon? Or maybe you've faced a traumatic loss? Believe me, I know the feeling. Your heart races, you can barely breathe, you don't know if you can face another moment. I lived that life for years until I learned to grab hold of God's Word and decree His Promises over my life. Please know that during these times you are not alone. God sees everything in your life and He will not abandon you now. I pray you find hope and encouragement in these scriptures that I have rewritten in 1st person as if you were speaking them over yourself right now. Please take the next minute to receive these bible verses in your spirit and receive them as promises from God's own Word. #FaithLift#DecreeThis
We all face times of fear and uncertainty. Maybe you're concerned about the health of your child, parent, or maybe even your own? Maybe you've received notice that you might not have a job soon? Or maybe you've faced a traumatic loss? Believe me, I know the feeling. Your heart races, you can barely breathe, you don't know if you can face another moment. I lived that life for years until I learned to grab hold of God's Word and decree His Promises over my life. Please know that during these times you are not alone. God sees everything in your life and He will not abandon you now. I pray you find hope and encouragement in these scriptures that I have rewritten in 1st person as if you were speaking them over yourself right now. Please take the next minute to receive these bible verses in your spirit and receive them as promises from God's own Word. #FaithLift#DecreeThis
Mauro Biglino cura le edizioni di carattere storico, culturale e didattico per diverse case editrici italiane. Studioso di storia delle religioni e traduttore di ebraico antico per conto delle Edizioni San Paolo, collabora con diverse testate giornalistiche. Da circa 30 anni si occupa dei cosiddetti testi sacri nella convinzione che solo la conoscenza e l'analisi diretta di ciò che hanno scritto gli antichi redattori possano aiutare a comprendere veramente il pensiero religioso formulato dall'umanità nella sua storia.
The former translator of the Vatican tells us what is really written in the Bible
Mauro Biglino traduttore di ebraico masoretico fa una traduzione letterale degli antichi testi scoprendo falsità raccontate da millenni.
The former translator of the Vatican tells us what is really written in the Bible
Sam Shamoun: official youtube channel Official Facebook page: To support Sam Shamoun ministry: utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=creatorshare2 Or by going here: And putting the name "Sam Shamoun" in the box which says "This gift is designated for."
Open up the bundle of surprise to create another masterpiece, uniquely designed bible journaling kit from American crafter is a must try if you are a crafts freak. Check out Patterned papers, Chipboard shapes, Designer Clips, Ephemera, Washi Tapes.
The more media and entertainment we consume actually makes us more bored and less happy. How can you convert your recreational activities into productive ways to honor God? Our days have become increasingly filled with recreational activities, but are we using them to distract ourselves or to serve God? Watching sports and cheering for a team, texting and upgrading to the latest phone, checking the status of friends on Facebook have all become addictive and potentially harmful. In this sixth and final presentation, Scott Ritsema reveals how wishing for the demise of another team, or being envious of Facebook friends goes against the promotion of peace, gentleness and joy. Do we know more sport statistics than Bible scriptures? Have we developed a spirit of gossip and jealousy instead of love and support? Hear gripping testimony from former TV addicts who decided to make more time for family. Watch footage of teens who saw the benefits of giving up media. Learn how all these distractions have caused a shift in the way children develop. The Bible teaches us to be careful how we walk, making the most of our time because the days are evil.
Music is an expression of emotion but can it control our feelings as well? Find out how even “good” Christian music can evoke feelings of anger, fear and grief. Music is the human expression of emotions and conversely affects our emotions. Studies have shown that this artform affects us neurologically, spiritually and can be of great benefit to our moral character. If music affects human emotion, can it also then control human emotion? In this fourth presentation of six, Scott Ritsema answers this question and explains how composers are like dictators, using music to powerfully influence moods, thinking and behaviour. Former satanists reveal that demon spirits love to play games with Christians to produce anger, fear and grief. Learn which sounds are associated with which emotion and how Christian music has become perverse, in its pronounced and insistent rhythms, instead of reverent.The Bible calls us to sing spiritual songs, psalms and hymns. Ritsema makes the case that some types of music become aesthetically false when sounds do not match lyrics.
Are Satanic messages influence the music we listen to? Are popular artists even aware of the symbolism on their covers and the message they are spreading? Many popular musical artists of today and yesteryear have openly acknowledged using Satanic messages to influence their songs and audience. In this third presentation of six, Scott Ritsema takes us on a revealing journey which includes personal video footage of his time in a rock band. Learn how not only Sting, Mick Jagger and Jay-Z use hidden demonic messages in their lyrics and imagery but also the ways even traditional singers like The Beach Boys, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are negatively influencing us without our knowledge. Did you know that both Madonna and Beyonce used pagan symbolism during their Super Bowl half-time shows? Some performers even admit to channeling demons, that a medium enters their body, writes their songs and plays their instruments The Bible challenges us to be in the world but not of the world but have we become so desensitized that we’ve forgotten what God’s standards are?
According to a George Barna study, a majority of Americans qualify for an addiction to media use or media exposure. In fact, addiction to media exposure is the most widespread addiction in American society today. In this first presentation of six, you will be startled by the statistics presented by Scott Ritsema. Do we know how this diet of media is affecting us spiritiually? How does all this media affect our brain? What are the long-terms effects of TV? Ritsema presents shocking and thought-provoking information to show how the over-stimulation of the brain greatly impacts long-term learning and thinking. The Bible calls us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Ritsema makes the case that salvation is an issue of the mind, and that if we are filling our mind with spiritual food that does not edify us, our salvation may be at stake.
The dream of Nebuchadnezzar in the Book of Daniel, the visions of Daniel... all tells about the future from the times of Babylonian Kingdom - now - future where it is said that a Kingdom of Heaven will rule on Earth, where there is no more sin, sorrow, death... Watch this detailed documentary filled with archaeological & historical proofs, verses from the Bible, amazing testimonies from World War 2 and more to know the prophecies and its meaning and importance for your life!
What the Bible really says. The story of why we are here and what is going to happen. This is written in The Bible. Can you see it? Do you have eyes to see and ears to hear?
Shockingly as it may sound, though Jerusalem is "The Holy City," what is believed to be the location of "The Temple Mount" is nothing, though unintentionally, but a hoax - the "Hoax of the Millennium." In the pages of this work, this 'audacious' contention to many, will be amply proven, beyond the shadow of a doubt, from the pages of the Bible as well as from faithful historic accounts of Jews, contemporary non- Jewish historians, Christian and Muslim recorded and preserved accounts.
If the belief in an afterlife -- immediately after death -- is true, then both the Bible and the Qur’an should fully confirm it in plain words. But what if they, instead, contradict it? What if God, Jesus, and Muhammad are not the source of this doctrine?
Witness the discovery of the Real Mt. Sinai; see the lasting evidence that supports the Scriptural account of Moses and the Israelites' encounter with The Almighty! This video teaching will leave you convinced that the true Mount Sinai has been found, and that the story in the Bible is true! Bring this piece of history home; share it with family and friends!
A historical journey which explain the cryptic beasts in the book of revelation in the bible and explains what significance they have to the current times.
Documentary that explain symbols and events in the Book of Revelation, identity of 666 or antichrist based on the Bible and historical facts, and explain what will happen in future based on prophecy.