Obama, Don't tell us "yes we can." Tell us...Hi, this is Dr. Max Vogt.. of http://www.CouplesCoach.com
The Yes We Can - Barack Obama Music Video on YouTube,and the famous speech, like a lot of Obama world, are full of beautiful successful young people. Yes we can? Of course they can. But how about others in America?
We can is a nice sentiment
In therapy we call that hedging.
Tommy, are you going to clean up your room today?
If Tommy says "Yes I can" does that tell you he's going to? No He can but will he?
Donna, are you going to put the money into our account so our electricity doesn't get turned off?
If Donna says "Yes I can" does that tell you she's going to? No. She can but will she?
Let's hear instead of yes we can is yes we will. This is the real problem with OBama.
Let's hear Yes I will and yes we will
We will have universal health care in this country by June 2010, I promise you this.
Yes we will
We will have all the young military people home from Iraq for the holidays at the end of 2009, I ...