Discover The Facts
Hemorrhoids: No one really likes to think about them, but the unfortunate reality is that some 50% of all Americans will suffer from them at some point in their life. Indeed, an estimated 100 million Americans are currently suffering from hemorrhoids. Few people like to talk about them, and fewer people seek treatment for this painful and embarrassing condition. You are not alone if you are suffering silently.
So what are hemorrhoids? Also known as piles, hemorrhoids are medically defined as: 'varicose dilations of veins of the superior and inferior hemorrhoidal plexus'. In lay-man's terms, they are unusually swollen veins in the anus and rectum, and can be incredibly painful. The signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids include; Rectal bleeding, burning and pain during bowel movements, blood in the stool, itching in the anal area, and painful lumps on the anus.
They can be classified into four types:
1. Internal and do not protrude from the rectum. These may cause symptoms such as itching or bleeding.
2. Protrude from the rectum only during a bowel movement.
3. Protrude from the rectum continuously but can be pushed back in. At this stage, hemorrhoids tend to bleed and become inflamed more easily.