Freelance Johnson at Hen House Studios - KaliFreelance Johnson has an attitude that is everything surf culture embraces. To Freelance Johnson what really matters is the next big wave, bong hits and beautiful girls. Their lead singer "Crash" is an avid surfer who can be frequently found at the breakwater at Venice Beach, California riding the waves. Their sound is not reminiscent of the traditional twangy guitar surf music of the 1960's, but rather a reflection of the modern surf movement. The ideals of this new movement are reflected the song "Kali4na" where Crash sings "I gotta worn ya, this is California", a song that expresses surfers' territorial rights to the best waves and at the same time their frustration with the increasing pollution of the ocean's water. This band will stop short of nothing in order to play their infectious music and ride the next big ocean swell.