教興寺夏祭り(岩戸神社)大阪府八尾市 令和元年7月7日 Kyokoji Summer Festival in Yao city (7/7/2019)
【岩戸神社】は、天照大神高座神社のすぐ西の脇にあり、本殿も同様に岩盤上に鎮座しています。祭神は『市杵島姫命』。俗に『岩屋弁財天』『岩谷弁財天』と呼ばれています。 御神体は一帯の岩山全体ですが、以前は木彫の弁財天像が御神体でした。
高僧空海が高座神社を参詣中、大神の御託宣により当地に創建されたといわれています。 もとはインドの河神である弁財天(弁才天)を祀っていました。
中世以降、日本土着の水神である『市杵島姫命』および当地にあった神道(天照大神高座神社)が神仏習合して、神社の祭神として祀られるようになりました。 江戸時代には、商売繁盛の神様として大坂の人々の信仰を集めました。 明治時代に神仏分離により、弁財天像は現在は近くの教興寺に鎮座されています。 それまでは天照大神高座神社と岩戸神社は明確な区別がありませんでしたが、大正時代に市杵島姫命を祀る神社として分かれ、大正9年には天照大神高座神社の境内末社となりました。
所在地 :大阪府八尾市大字教興寺550
アクセス:近鉄信貴線 信貴山口駅から南へ徒歩約20分
【Iwato Shrine】 is located just west of Amaterasu-Okami Takakura Shrine. The main hall sits on the bedrock.The deity is “Ichikishimahime”. It is commonly called “Iwato Benzaiten”
The Godhead is the whole rocky area of the area. Formerly, the carved statue of Benzaiten was a divine object. It is said that high monk Kukai had been established here by the deity of Okami while visiting Takakura shrine. Originally, it was enshrined in Benzaiten, the river god of India.
Since the Middle Ages, Ichikishimahime, a native water god in Japan, and Shinto ( Amaterasu-Okami Takakura Shrine), which was there, became a shrine to worship as a shrine.
In the Edo period, we gathered the faith of people of Osaka as a prosperous business god. At the end of the Meiji period, the statue of Benzaiten is now seized by the nearby Kyokoji Temple due to the separation of Shinto and Buddha.
Until then, Amaterasu-Okami Takakura Shrine and Iwato Shrine were indistinguishable.
However, it was divided as a Shinto shrine that enshrines Ichikishimahime in the Taisho era, and in 1920 it became the precinct of Amaterasu-Okami Takakura Shrine.
【阪本研究所】SK laboratory
代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto
#教興寺 #岩戸神社 #八尾市 #教興寺青年団 #令和元年
教興寺夏祭り(岩戸神社)大阪府八尾市 令和元年7月7日 Kyokoji Summer Festival in Yao city (7/7/2019)
【岩戸神社】は、天照大神高座神社のすぐ西の脇にあり、本殿も同様に岩盤上に鎮座しています。祭神は『市杵島姫命』。俗に『岩屋弁財天』『岩谷弁財天』と呼ばれています。 御神体は一帯の岩山全体ですが、以前は木彫の弁財天像が御神体でした。
高僧空海が高座神社を参詣中、大神の御託宣により当地に創建されたといわれています。 もとはインドの河神である弁財天(弁才天)を祀っていました。
中世以降、日本土着の水神である『市杵島姫命』および当地にあった神道(天照大神高座神社)が神仏習合して、神社の祭神として祀られるようになりました。 江戸時代には、商売繁盛の神様として大坂の人々の信仰を集めました。 明治時代に神仏分離により、弁財天像は現在は近くの教興寺に鎮座されています。 それまでは天照大神高座神社と岩戸神社は明確な区別がありませんでしたが、大正時代に市杵島姫命を祀る神社として分かれ、大正9年には天照大神高座神社の境内末社となりました。
所在地 :大阪府八尾市大字教興寺550
アクセス:近鉄信貴線 信貴山口駅から南へ徒歩約20分
【Iwato Shrine】 is located just west of Amaterasu-Okami Takakura Shrine. The main hall sits on the bedrock.The deity is “Ichikishimahime”. It is commonly called “Iwato Benzaiten”
The Godhead is the whole rocky area of the area. Formerly, the carved statue of Benzaiten was a divine object. It is said that high monk Kukai had been established here by the deity of Okami while visiting Takakura shrine. Originally, it was enshrined in Benzaiten, the river god of India.
Since the Middle Ages, Ichikishimahime, a native water god in Japan, and Shinto ( Amaterasu-Okami Takakura Shrine), which was there, became a shrine to worship as a shrine.
In the Edo period, we gathered the faith of people of Osaka as a prosperous business god. At the end of the Meiji period, the statue of Benzaiten is now seized by the nearby Kyokoji Temple due to the separation of Shinto and Buddha.
Until then, Amaterasu-Okami Takakura Shrine and Iwato Shrine were indistinguishable.
However, it was divided as a Shinto shrine that enshrines Ichikishimahime in the Taisho era, and in 1920 it became the precinct of Amaterasu-Okami Takakura Shrine.
【阪本研究所】SK laboratory
代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto
#教興寺 #岩戸神社 #八尾市 #教興寺青年団 #令和元年
Human Mobile Stage 105(2碟2膊醒狮表演 105), This is a part of 55th Chau Biu Memorial Banquet. Master Chau Biu (=Chow Biu. Zhou Biu or Jow Biu). The film Kung Fu and Lion Dance performance was from the Cantonese movies: " Iron Monkey" and "Hero of Liu Chin Shing", those films were produced in 1955 in Hong Kong. The details as below:- Beginning of film was "Iron Monkey" Movie (1) Lion Head Player in Black uniform performed by Sifu Chan Man Cheung who was student of Master Chau Biu. (2) Master Chan Tau wore the hat in black uniform who was the founder of Dao Pai, he performed drunken eight gods fist. He was student both of masters of Chau Lung and Chau Biu after Chau Lung was died (Chau Lung was 5th elder brothers of Master Chau Biu, 8th son of Chau Family, and Chau Lung was died in Chinese Lunar year 1919 in China, aged 29)。 (3) Lion spitted a silk ball on wooden table performed by Master Chau Biu (Lion Head Player) and Master Chau Tin (lion tail player who was 10th younger brothers of Master Chau Biu) End of Film was "Hero of Liu Chin Shing" (1) Master Chau Biu in Black uniform performed Lo Han Fist (=Law Hon Fist or Buddha Fist.)。
I tried singing my own song with accompaniment of Irish Harp. I am singing a girl who has become fond of a person who loves freedom. "Gaya Lucky Buddha" is the name of a bird singing a scripture of a girl appearing in myths of India.
It is an obedient maid who has a loyalty lead.
If you do not need it, it is okay to throw it out.
The Big Buddha temple which is known locally as Wat Phra Yaj, is in the north-eastern corner of Samui. The main attraction of the temple is a 12-metre high golden statue of the Buddha. The statue is so large and elevated that it can be seen from several kilometres away, and is often the first thing travellers will see when they arrive in Koh Samui by air. The statue of the Buddha is in the Mara Position, which is an image of the Buddha seated cross-legged, with the right hand on the right knee and the left hand on the right ankle with the palm of the hand facing upwards. The Buddha’s eyes are gazing downwards.
The most spectacular of all the temples is the Reclining Buddha temple, known in Thai as Wat Pho. It is the most impressive of all the temples in Thailand. The temple covers an area of 80,000 square metres, and contains over 1000 images of the Buddha. The temple has one of the biggest Buddha images on the planet, the statue of the Reclining Buddha is an enormous 46 metres in length.
Wat Chiang Man is the oldest temple in Chiang Mai and is located inside the old city walls and moat. The temple has many unique sights and features including a large Lotus pond, a temple library or scripture depositary, and a large stele with the oldest mention of Chiang Mai. The highlights of the temple visit are the 'Phra Kaew Khao' or 'Crystal Buddha', this small 10 cm statue of the Buddha was carved completely out of quartz crystal, and the statue sits atop a large wooden base covered in more than 6 kg of gold. Another highlight is the 'Elephant Chedi', which is the oldest part of the temple complex. This statue represents the front portion of 15 life-sized elephants, which appear to be carrying the upper parts of the building on their backs. There are two ‘Wihan’ or Holy places in the temple which house important statues of the Buddha.
Campbell uses stories of the Buddha's life and enlightenment to reflect the essence of the Buddhist religion. He explains the difference between the two principal types of Buddhism - Theravada (Hinayana) and Mahayana. Campbell also probes the differences between Eastern and Western religion by focusing on Buddhism as a religion of "identification with" the divine rather than on of "relationship to" it. He also compares Buddhism with Taoism and Confucianism and explores an ancient collision of East and West.
Joseph Campbell introduces us to the core ideas at the heart of the Eastern traditions and explores what Aldous Huxley called the Perennial Philosophy and how it is realize in Hinduism and Buddhism. He traces the development of the idea of spiritual emancipation from the early Indus Valley civilizations through the Vedic literature to the Upanishads. Campbell identifies the point of departure between the Eastern and Western traditions. Finally, Campbell explains the concept of Nirvana and sets the stage for the arrival of the Buddha.
"Religiões do Mundo" ("Animated World Faiths"), série de filmes de animação sobre as religiões do mundo e seus líderes. ## Sianel 4 Cymru (S4C), Channel 4 Television Corporation. Distribuição Synapse, Versão Brasileira Versão Brasileira Audio News. Transmissão: TV Escola. ## 01) "A Conferência dos Pássaros" ou "A Linguagem dos Pássaros" (منطق الطیر) - https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confer%C3%AAncia_dos_P%C3%A1ssaros ## 02) "A Infância de Krsna" (कृष्ण) - https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krishna ## 03) Confúcio (孔子 ## K'ung-tzu ## 孔夫子 ## K'ung-fu-tzu ## Mestre Kong) - https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conf%C3%BAcio ## 04) Guru Nanak (ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕ; ## गुरु नानक ## گرونانک) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guru_Nanak # https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siquismo ## 05) Jesus (ישוע/ יֵשׁוּעַ ## Yeshua Ἰησοῦς ## Iesous) - https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus # https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cristianismo ## 06) Maomé (Muhammad ## مُحَمَّد) - https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maom%C3%A9 # https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isl%C3%A3o ## 07) O Buda (बुद्ध ## Buddha ## सिद्धार्थ गौतम ## Siddhārtha Gautama) - https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidarta_Gautama # https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buda ## 08) O Caminho do Buda (बौद्ध धर्म ## Buddha Dharma) - https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budismo ## 09) O Ramáiana (Ramayana ## रामायण ## Rama ## राम) - https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram%C3%A1iana # https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rama ##