Wasp worksThis is a rough cut of a 15 minute film of a wasp stuck in a bucket of water. It was filmed on a rooftop in Besisahar, Lamjung Nepal using a macro lens setting. When filming I didn’t realise I was picking up the ambient sounds of the town which seem to be distorted in the bucket. So the film is best viewed with headphones on and the volume turned up. Some people I’ve shown this to think it’s a bit ‘icky’, but in my view it’s not offensive and I hope no one finds it so. Also we decided to rescue the wasp after filming its struggles/suffering. The start has a few single frame close ups done with a flash but I’m afraid their quality has suffered a little in the video export. Also there’s a white smudge on the lens which turned out to be a scratch (grrrr). The video is loaded up to VEOH Apparently you need a fairly up to date flash player installed (I think) to use VEOH. I’ve also seen it do that annoying flashing thing that internet video does. You can download the original file for best quality viewing. The button’s under the viewing window.