Do Not Ruin Your Network Marketing ExperienceNetwork Marketing lets ordinary people become self-employed consultants by marketing and selling the products/services of one company, and eventually enjoying passive income benefits. But the problem is that too many people even cannot make a single sale and drop out after three months. Why is that? I think it is because the person jumped on the wrong opportunity and did not have any passion for the product/service. I believe that in most cases there was nothing wrong with the company, but the person did not have any interest in companyâs product/service or truly did not believe in benefits what the company can provide. Before choosing which company is the best, a person needs to know what she or he hopes to get out of the business, and if that is a right opportunity. Second person need to ask if the product/service is extraordinary? Selling is no easy thing, even when people love what they are selling. But if an independent consultant has doubts that what she or he is selling is the best thing around, ...