Mr. Louis DeGrave - Global Warming, Fact or Fiction (1 of 3)For over 10 years Louis has delighted audiences of all ages across the Front Range area with captivating, humourous, and moving presentations on a wide range of topics such as Creation vs Evolution, Money, Biblical characters today, Proverbs today, and many more. Mr. DeGrave grew up in Indonesia and spent 39 months in a Japanese concentration camp during Word War II. He received his B.S. in Civil Engineering. Lou's talk, Global Warming, Fact or Fiction isn’t a typical RMCF subject. However, God is not only in control of creation but also of the climate. In one hour some of you will learn more about Global Warming than many representatives in Washington, who are about to spend $1 trillion dollars! Yes, polar bears, melting ice, and the “hockey stick” will be addressed, but there will be much, much more. Fast moving, easy to understand, over 100 slides- many pictures, and excellent for students.