AMERICANS FIND DENIM A PERFECT FITAs Americans are dialing back purchases, one wardrobe favorite has so far avoided all the cutbacks: denim. Seventy seven percent of consumers reported to the Cotton Incorporated Lifestyle MonitorTM survey that they love or enjoy wearing denim, so it should come as no surprise that the average consumer owns seven pairs of denim jeans.
Easy care is a definite advantage for consumers looking to cut back on household expenses; according to the Monitor survey, 25% of consumers have changed their laundering habits in order to save money.
These days, however, denim is no longer all about the tried and true; new technology from Cotton Incorporated called STORM DENIM(TM) makes denim water-repellent without sacrificing any of cotton's natural breathability or durability. The finish is applied as the final step, ensuring that any washes or other stylistic treatments applied are unaffected.
Produced for Cotton, Inc.