Watch VARIATION - Chad (bass), Matt (drums), Zach (vocals), Danny (guitar) play LIVE at B.B. Kings Blues Club, Hollywood CA. This is an EXCLUSIVE LIVE performance on The Jeffrey Henderson Show.
Watch The Jeffrey Henderson Show as he interviews VARIATION - Chad (bass), Matt (drums), Zach (vocals), Danny (guitar). Coming all the way from Northern Cali these guys rocked the studio!
Record complete songs spontaneously without putting down your guitar. Lay down your riffs and snap them together into a song complete with drums and effects. Riffworks versatile features help guitar players easily capture ideas and record entire songs that include great sounding drums, fabulous tone and polished effects. Guitar players can set the tempo and start recording just by playing their guitar using RiffWorks Junt(tm) technology. Go to
A jungle temple with hooded priest is really a Nazi military base which downs a plane bearing Lois Lane and some secret plans. Can Superman save her from human sacrifice?