MK Ultra in Dallas Texas via George Bush Donald TrEste video está en idioma español. Emanuel was involved in MK Ultra since 1998. He worked as labor worker all over Fort Worth area from almost day 1(early, but not total beginnings) since new money begun to pour into US economy. This was designed to be Republican election stunt via George Bush - fact of the matter is that Bush never had any honest intentions with me(LIED ABOUT BECOMING TIRED OR MY NOT PAYING ATTENTION DURING MK ULTRA FOR THIS VERY REASON - USED ME FOR TOTALLY OTHER REASONS) and have released his funds into US economy once money begun to circulate in one from outside - a classic counter productive parasite squeezing and sickening Americans is how I see it as...not even a capitalist, but hard core neonazi.
@George Bush - I will thank you if I even manage to land you in jail as is nothing in you other than evil.