Springnet 335 - VideoCampTX - Tamara BellTamara Bell is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Y Gen Out Loud, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that provides a platform for Generation Y to discuss national politics and public policy issues.
At VideoCampTX she gave a terrific run down on how to become a nonprofit, from beginning to end. The event was held Aug 7, 2010 at the LBJ School and Library, Austin, TX
Tamara Bell is also the Host of Keeping Up with Gen Y on WomensRadio. Keeping Up with Gen Y offers discussions, interviews, and commentary about important issues of the day from the perspective of Generation Y (18-to 30-years-old). Aimed at all generations interested in learning about and inspiring young people, this show features professionals, experts, researchers, and members of Gen Y who share insights and experiences about the topics on the minds of todayâs young adults.