Un estudio del libro de Efesios. http://www.LaosTheos.com La carta de Pablo a los Efesios nos enseña tanto verdades espirituales celestiales y eternas como mandamientos concretos para vivir como cristianos. "para mostrar en los tiempos venideros la incomparable riqueza de su gracia, que por su bondad derramó sobre nosotros en Cristo Jesús. Porque por gracia ustedes han sido salvados mediante la fe; esto no procede de ustedes, sino que es el regalo de Dios"
Quien de ustedes, por mucho que se preocupe, puede anadir una sola hora al curso de su vida? "Y por que se preocupan por la ropa? Observen como crecen los lirios del campo. No trabajan ni hilan; sin embargo, les digo que ni siquiera Salomon, con todo su esplendor, se vestia como uno de ellos. Si asi viste Dios a la hierba que hoy esta en el campo y manana es arrojada al horno, no hara mucho mas por ustedes, gente de poca fe? Asi que no se preocupen diciendo: 'Que comeremos?' o 'Que beberemos?' o 'Con que nos vestiremos?' Porque los paganos andan tras todas estas cosas, y el Padre celestial sabe que ustedes las necesitan.
This is the full version of Extraordinary Women, a song by Cynthia Long of the Healing Divas. a song in celebration of women who give their lives and love in pursuit of Peace. This performance was taped live at Toronto's World Peace Meditation Event on Dec. 31st, 07 at St. Lawrence Hall. Watch for some great keys played by Sheila White. See the Healing Divas on MySpace or at www.healingdivas.com and www.kandakokoro.com
I just cleared up some rather confusing stuff on how to encode the video, but now it works just as I wanted it...and youtube doesn't do the quality justice~ XD
This might just make me want to get back into karaoke subbing...
This first clip is of Phil and Liz, who were the first people we've met riding east to west (aka: into the raging wind). The sound on the FX1 is just the shotgun, the wide had the boom, so this is pretty much un-listenable. But it looks nice. Every once in a while, when the wind calms, you can hear what they are they are saying. When I have more time, after we are back from the road, I'll be able to sync up the close and the wide for a second round of post.
Basado en Genesis 12:1-3. El llamado de Abraham nos enseña cómo el dar un salto de fé, poniendo a un lado nuestras propias ideas y planes para tomar los planes de Dios, nos lleva a gozar de las bendiciones de Dios para nuestra vida.
Predicador : Rev. Lisandro Bojórquez
Cada vez son más las parroquias católicas que ofrecen misas en español e incluyen rituales similares a los celebrados en países latinoamericanos. Sin embargo, un estudio reciente de AARP reveló que solo un 41 por ciento de los hispanos en Estados Unidos practican la fe católica.
Independientemente de su religión, la gran mayoría de los hispanos creen en dios.
Según el estudio, nueve de cada diez hispanos reza diariamente y tienen objetos religiosos en sus casas.
Casi la mitad de las personas que han abandonado la fe católica han considerado el volver. Mas tiempo para reflexionar y la cercanía de la muerte hacen que las personas mayores se acerquen mas a la iglesia.
Para mayor información visite www.aarpsegundajuventud.org
Producido para AARP
At the 5th birthday party for Creative Commons on Dec. 15, 2007, the great Gilberto Gil -- musician, Brazil's minister of culture and a Creative Commons supporter -- performed several acoustic tracks with his son Bem. Here is a 3-minute video of his popular hit "Andar com fe," captured with my Nokia N95 camera phone
At the 5th birthday party for Creative Commons on Dec. 15, 2007, the great Gilberto Gil -- musician, Brazil's minister of culture and a Creative Commons supporter -- performed several acoustic tracks. Here is a 3-minute video of his popular hit "Andar com fe," captured with my Nokia N95 camera phone.
Described some time ago in a major publication as a "New West" artist, David uses symbols of the American West to express universal emotions and themes, especially attitude. He paints his contemporary cowboys and cowgirls with oil paint over silver, copper & gold metallic leaf. A technique perfected by DeVary over the years. His use of bright yellow slickers, antique chaps, hats that shield the eyes and the cowboy's own body language creates a striking, unique portrait of the contemporary Western cowboy or cowgirl. His paintings hang in museums and fine homes from Chicago to Yountville, from Paris to Santa Fe.
"I love what I'm doing and I hope you like it too."
Sedona Arizona
Video biografico sobre los primeros Pioneros de la iglesia en Africa. Una excelente demostracion de Fe y paciencia. gracias a esta Fe, fue posiblñe que el señor permitiera que esta buena gente tuviese la oportunidad de recibir el sacerdocio.
(J. Raga)
Here are my quick tips on how to connect with your audience through mastering Extemporaneous Speech in your business presentations. http://www.stepupandspeak.com
SalemGlobal Internet Website Marketing was very excited and honored to have spent the day at the NY Xpo Show At The Javits Center last Wednesday, we met dozens of amazing new friends and potential business partners. It was also a great way to see old friends as well as clients. Check out not only pictures from the show but a quick clip from CEO Raphi Salem on the importance of attending such a great trade show here in New York.