Destiny Revival Series: Official Code Name Sailor V TrailerThe 3rd entry in the Destiny Revival series. The game features more in-depth gameplay, stronger enemies, bosses, all-new soundtrack, and some unique new graphics. This masterpiece will be available on multiple platforms, from the Sega Dreamcast to the Nintendo Wii. The story is a combination of the Sailor V manga and episode 42 of the anime. Starring Minako(The Goddess of Love and Beauty Sailor Venus) and Katarina(Interpol officer and Minako's good friend) It's a nice combination that fits into Destiny Revival's canon. The game is a fast pace 1-2 player game, with special modes(exclusive to the Dreamcast and Wii) and all new cutscenes and voice overs. Check out these links for more Destiny Revival and Sailor Moon goodness: (official Destiny Revival website) (forum to share SM fandom)