Batman #677RIP continues and the Black Glove gets closer and closer. This story reminds me quite a bit of the hush series. Batman has found love and shown his secret to his new girlfriend, there is a villain who knows a great deal about batman and something from his past is now back to possibly undo him. The story is great, this is a real threat and batman is going to be faced by threats to his person and his psyche. So there has been a hypnotic suggestion planted assumingly while batman was in the isolation chamber and it plays a part in the Black Gloves scheme and Jet is tricked into triggering it. I’m supprised that Batman has not looked at closer at Dr. Hurt for this and I was a little disappointed that we didn’t get to see the joker after the image in the last issue. All in all this issue wasn’t as exciting as the previous, but I am enjoying the story and it is just getting started. One thing that I caught was that when bruce and Jet were walking through the batcave there in the robin memorial there was ...