Wealth Building Annex TestimonialWe are a private institution of Business Leaders and CEO's from across the country who attend a monthly event consisting of the greatest minds this world has to offer. When we want to learn about Marketing we bring in people like the Author of the Greatest selling marketing series of all time, Guerilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson.
When we want to learn about Sales and Peak Performance we fly in speakers like, Brian Tracy, a man that regularly consults with billion dollar fortune 500 companies.
When members where asking us about acquiring Joint Venture Capital, we thought who better to bring than the founder of 40 different corporations and the Nouveau Riche University, Jim Piccolo.
In order to keep each and every event at its best we operate on the community based principle...What does that mean? All of our members are referred to us by other members. We believe in Networking UP not Down!
In other words we are an event where important contacts are made for all concerned. Therefore we are ...