MEP's condemn anti-inmigration PVV website, SarkozyMembers of the European Parliament on Tuesday urged the Dutch government to distance itself from the anti-inmigration website launched by the populist right-wing party PVV. The so-called anti-Pole site encourages Dutch people to report problems caused by Polish, Romanian and Bulgarian citizens. It has so far taken in more than 10000 reactions.
During a plenary session in Strasbourg, the leader of the ALDE Group called on the Dutch PM Mark Rutte to condemn the "hatred" and "intolerance" that the website instigates.
"The silence of the Dutch government is unacceptable, whether that is a party political issue as the Dutch government says or not, it does not matter, I think all of us we have the right to know what the Dutch authorities think of the initiative taken by one of their citizens on Dutch territory", VERHOFSTADT said.
So far, Rutte has controversially refused to do so. PVV's leader Girt Vilders has always been a strong supporter of Rutte's conservative government.Â
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