How to get Good Penny Stocks RecommendationsKnowing how to get Good Penny Stocks Recommendations is half the battle. Check out my site for more info to avoid getting scammed! Good penny stocks recommendations can be difficult to find. The reason is that many brokers and penny stocks recommendations services are biased or compensated by the share holder companies to promote their stocks. While this should be available by law, not all penny stock investors are aware of this. Trading Penny Stocks can make you alot of money but you really ned to be careful and it is not suitable for everyone. This is by no means a place to invest blindly, and even though penny shares are inexpensive to buy, they can be traded in volume and quickly fly up and down in value. Penny Stocks do not move with the rest of the stock exchange, some penny shares experience slow or no movement at all, so picking penny stocks to invest in should be taken seriously, otherwise you could lose you pants.