Nevada Attorney attacks a Clark County Family Court Judge in Open Court*** THIS VIDEO IS PUBLIC DOMAIN AND WAS PROVIDED BY THE CLARK COUNTY NV PUBLIC COURT SYSTEM. IT IS NOT SUBJECT TO ANY COPYRIGHTS PROTECTION **** In Clark County Nevada, we have noticed Justice of the Peace handcuffing Public Defenders unjustly as well as Municipal Court Judges incarcerating citizens that are not even before their court. The above are examples of the court room over stepping boundaries. But what happens when a Divorce Attorney crosses the line with a Clark County District Court Judge Family Division? In a September 29, 2016 hearing in Clark County Family Court Department L Jennifer Abrams representing the plaintiff with co-council Brandon Leavitt and Louis Schneider representing the defendant. This case is about a 15 year marriage, plaintiff earns over 160,000 annually and defendant receives no alimony and no part of the business. There was a war of words between Jennifer Abrams and Judge Jennifer Elliot.