Tero beats SNES Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse Part 1Part 1 of a playthrough of Capcom's The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse for the SNES. Game completed on Hard Mode with no continue. Part 1 covers the beginning of the game to stage 3-3. The Magical Quest is another platforming game from the Capcom Disney series. This time it stars Disney Superstar Mickey Mouse, but other than that it's not too different from the others. In this game, Mickey has the ability to change into different outfits, which are necessary to overcome certain obstacles or fight certain enemies. This is not a terribly difficult game, though playing it on Hard Mode makes it a fair bit tougher (you start with one less heart and there are more enemies). Getting the magic powerup on 3-3 is absolutely vital, beyond that point the rest of the game really isn't too hard. This is a somewhat unbalanced game in that the hardest part is clearly the first two worlds where you have very little health. The Emperor's powerful magic has never been defeated. Do not attempt to rescue your dog. Save yourself. The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse copyright 1992 Capcom and Disney.