Nutty - Nut and Bolt Magic Trick by Tim David - Picture this: Your friend screws a nut onto a bolt. You put them both on the table and your friend covers them with his hat. From here on out, you don't touch anything again. Your friend clearly sees the nut screwed well onto the bolt up until the very last moment before it is covered by his hat. He agrees that the only way to get it off would be to move the hat, pick up the nut and bolt, and unscrew the nut. Concentrate on the nut and bolt under the hat. Concentrate... Then look directly into the spectator's eyes, flash a wry smile, then turn and walk away. The spectator can't resist. He peeks under the hat and lo and behold the nut has UNSCREWED ITSELF from the bolt! Talk about mind over matter, this is downright freaky.