MK Ultra additional facts about memories on BelaruSergei(Sergei from Belarus as I have another one coming from Ukraine who does - is also Russian) doesn't have sister, but instead cousin(adult established family oriented female located also in his area was NOT his sister, but instead his cousin). This case in contrary to as Trump insisted to all parties involved is not about recognition of one, but first of all for us Slavs to see ourself infront of the world as human beings - its not about me only; it's about all of us.
Nobody can dispute from here on in ABSOLUTELY any way my presence in Belarus since 1995 - USA/EU can continue to see/hear know thing about what they have done, but they will never ever be capable to claim on how seen was not their crime(they hate us Slavs to exist).
Next video will be about Tanja from Belarus - also same city as Serghei(Brest) - will talk about Lukashenko also in Slovenia, Germans/Americans in Belarus and so on.