Drama Serial Zindagi Dhoop Tum Ghana Saya Part 2The story of Zindagi Dhoop Tum Ghana Saya revolves around Hira (Sanam Baloch) who is from a middle-class background and whose parents died when she was just a child. She had led a very tough life and faced many disappointments. However, her disappointments were over when she married to Mazhar (Fahad Mustafa) who belonged to a very well-off family and proved to be a very loving husband. Mazhar's family makes things difficult for her but Mazhar's love is enough for her. Within a year and a half, Mazhar dies in a car accident. Life again becomes very difficult for Hira. Hira's sister in law Rizwana (Shugufta Ejaz) wants to grab power and control in her brother's house. She poisons her parents against Hira. Soon Hira is thrown out of the house. In our society, life is not easy for a young widow. Hira is then married off to Naveed (Shabbir Jan), a widower, and starts a new period of suffering