The third step to the true salvation is to build the close relationship with God Tenchi-KanenoKami by cherishing the naliyuki happening to us. 01-04-2024
The true salvation requires receiving the divine workings of God Tenchi-KanenoKami, cultivating one’s own heart, and building the close relationship with God Tenchi-KanenoKami. 12-27-2023
The goal is the true salvation. The aim is the wagakokolo of peaceful and joyful heart. The realization is for everything to be the manifestation of God Tenchi-KanenoKami's love. 12-24-2023
It is important to accept the present because the present is the manifestation of the divine workings of God Tenchi-KanenoKami for the true salvation. 12-22-2023
The good way to achieve salvation is to amenably accept the naliyuki happening to us assuming that everything is the manifestation of God Tenchi-KanenoKami's love. 12-09-2023
The salvation by the power of the divine intercessor. The salvation with cultivating one's own heart. The salvation with the divine experience of being with God Tenchi-KanenoKami. 12-03-2023
The priority number one is for people to achieve salvation. The state of the true salvation is the state of being in the wagakokolo of peaceful and joyful heart. 11-28-2023
It is important to realize that the most valuable thing is the wagakokolo of peaceful and joyful heart or the heart to pray for others' true salvation. 11-17-2023
The source of suffering is in one's own inner heart. The true salvation will be achieved by cultivating the wish. The true salvation is in the wagakokolo of peaceful and joyful heart. 10-31-2023
It is important to cherish the naliyuki happening to us because the naliyuki is the divine workings of God Tenchi-KanenoKami to guide us into the true salvation. 10-25-2023
God Tenchi-KanenoKami is trying to guide us into the world of the true salvation. It is important to cherish the naliyuki happening to us so that God Tenchi-KanenoKami’s wishes for us will come true. 10-23-2023