A forgotten war... An embittered soldier... The battle for his soul.
This 26 minute korean war film was an award winning short with action that would come to define Hershberger's directing style. The film proved to be a breakthrough for Lionheart Filmwork's partners Kevin R. Hershbeger, DJ Perry and then Edward Schaefer. This film was a stepping stone on the way to financing their Epic Civil War movie "Wicked Spring." (Ardustry Home Video) Four of the main characters in "THE NEST" played by Jernigan, Perry, Lacy and Merrick can be found later starring in "Wicked Spring." The documentary "The Making of an Independent Epic, Wicked Spring" can be found here on www.indieflix.com that bridges the two films. What a journey that started with some crazy filmmakers filming in PA until the snow storm closed in!
If you have read Howard Storm's "My Descent Into Death" (The book with Anne Rice's foreword), you'll love watching these videos. For anyone interested in the paranormal or spirituality these are definitely a must see.
If you have read Howard Storm's "My Descent Into Death" (The book with Anne Rice's foreword), you'll love watching these videos. For anyone interested in the paranormal or spirituality these are definitely a must see.
If you have read Howard Storm's "My Descent Into Death" (The book with Anne Rice's foreword), you'll love watching these videos. For anyone interested in the paranormal or spirituality these are definitely a must see.
If you have read Howard Storm's "My Descent Into Death" (The book with Anne Rice's foreword), you'll love watching these videos. For anyone interested in the paranormal or spirituality these are definitely a must see.
If you have read Howard Storm's "My Descent Into Death" (The book with Anne Rice's foreword), you'll love watching these videos. For anyone interested in the paranormal or spirituality these are definitely a must see.
If you have read Howard Storm's "My Descent Into Death" (The book with Anne Rice's foreword), you'll love watching these videos. For anyone interested in the paranormal or spirituality these are definitely a must see.
If you have read Howard Storm's "My Descent Into Death" (The book with Anne Rice's foreword), you'll love watching these videos. For anyone interested in the paranormal or spirituality these are definitely a must see.
If you have read Howard Storm's "My Descent Into Death" (The book with Anne Rice's foreword), you'll love watching these videos. For anyone interested in the paranormal or spirituality these are definitely a must see.
If you have read Howard Storm's "My Descent Into Death" (The book with Anne Rice's foreword), you'll love watching these videos. For anyone interested in the paranormal or spirituality these are definitely a must see.
If you have read Howard Storm's "My Descent Into Death" (The book with Anne Rice's foreword), you'll love watching these videos. For anyone interested in the paranormal or spirituality these are definitely a must see.
If you have read Howard Storm's "My Descent Into Death" (The book with Anne Rice's foreword), you'll love watching these videos. For anyone interested in the paranormal or spirituality these are definitely a must see.
Peter Parker has finally managed to strike a balance between his devotion to M.J. and his duties as a superhero. But there is a storm brewing on the horizon. When his suit suddenly changes, turning jet-black and enhancing his powers, it transforms Peter as well, bringing out the dark, vengeful side of his personality that he is struggling to control. Under the influence of the suit, Peter becomes overconfident and starts to neglect the people who care for him most. Forced to choose between the seductive power of the new suit and the compassionate hero he used to be, Peter must overcome his personal demons as two of the most-feared villains yet, Sandman and Venom, gather unparalleled power and a thirst for retribution to threaten Peter and everyone he loves.
Peter Parker has finally managed to strike a balance between his devotion to M.J. and his duties as a superhero. But there is a storm brewing on the horizon. When his suit suddenly changes, turning jet-black and enhancing his powers, it transforms Peter as well, bringing out the dark, vengeful side of his personality that he is struggling to control. Under the influence of the suit, Peter becomes overconfident and starts to neglect the people who care for him most. Forced to choose between the seductive power of the new suit and the compassionate hero he used to be, Peter must overcome his personal demons as two of the most-feared villains yet, Sandman and Venom, gather unparalleled power and a thirst for retribution to threaten Peter and everyone he loves.
Peter Parker has finally managed to strike a balance between his devotion to M.J. and his duties as a superhero. But there is a storm brewing on the horizon. When his suit suddenly changes, turning jet-black and enhancing his powers, it transforms Peter as well, bringing out the dark, vengeful side of his personality that he is struggling to control. Under the influence of the suit, Peter becomes overconfident and starts to neglect the people who care for him most. Forced to choose between the seductive power of the new suit and the compassionate hero he used to be, Peter must overcome his personal demons as two of the most-feared villains yet, Sandman and Venom, gather unparalleled power and a thirst for retribution to threaten Peter and everyone he loves.
The Calm Before The Storm.
In this episode, Catchpenny prepares for the upcoming tour.
The Fresh Air Tour, is a collegiate based music tour hosted by the hot up and coming band, CATCHPENNY. The tour will showcase some of the best buzz bands for your listening pleasure, and provide an opportunity for students to showcase their commitment to the environment via a tree planting initiative with Trees for The Future.
The calm before the storm. Catchpenny prepares for the upcoming tour. The Fresh Air Tour, is a collegiate based music tour hosted by the hot up and coming band, CATCHPENNY. The tour will showcase some of the best buzz bands for your listening pleasure, and provide an opportunity for students to showcase their commitment to the environment via a tree planting initiative with Trees for The Future.
Bark Hike Leader: Amy Harwood
In the coming months, the Forest Service will be revising their Travel Plan. This document guides the agency in their decision-making when it comes to building, maintaining and obliterating roads in Mt. Hood. Many of these roads have been unmaintained and abused by all-terrain vehicles. With each storm a road becomes more and more likely to fall into a crossing stream. After decades of logging and mismanagement, there are over 4,000 miles of roads in Mt. Hood National Forest alone!
Bark has a long history of defending the national forest with site-specific, scientifically backed monitoring data from Forest Service projects. We intend to treat our response to their Travel Plan revisions with the same rigor and passion. Join our team of groundtruthers come out of the forest and onto the road in an effort to complete the first citizen-led inventory of this crumbling road system."
Snow, snow, and more snow! This was shot during a major winter storm which dumped a couple of feet of snow in the Montreal area as well as the rest of the East Coast.
It's a pirate's life for me, out in the rough and tumble sea. I am a cut throat guy, I spit and lie, and take until I die. I brush my teeth with fishing line, comb from my hair, my knife is fine. I make a knot so tight, no strength-or-might, could ever stop my fight. {CHORUS} Give me the sea life. That is the only way for me. Give me the sea life. Out in the storm, that's where I'll be. I will cut them up, so raise the mast, high for all to see. Give me the sea life. That is the only life. A sailor's life, the only way that's right for me. Go fish! There is a strong wind in the west, but there is more, I do suspect. There is a pirate ship, that's closing in. They're jumping on the deck! So I am quick to sound the call. Rally roundly, one and all. There is a battle fast, our weapons clash... who's left standing last? {CHORUS} {EPISODE: Treasure Island}
For more videos like this visit: http://video.blessedit.com
Saviour Machine Live in Concert:
* A Prophecy
* The Eyes of the Storm
* The Birth Pangs
* The Night
* Gog (Deathmarch)
* The Invasion of Israel
* World War III
* The Beast
* Ten - The Empire
* The Whore of Babylon
* Behold a Pale Horse
* War in Heaven
* The Dead Sea
* Revelation 13
* Legend III:I
* The Ancient Serpent
* Four Trumpets
* The Locusts
* The Plague and the Darkness
* The End of the Age
* The Promise
* The Final Holocaust
* Legend I:I
* The Lamb
* American Babylon
Darrell Anderson
Iraq Veteran and War Resister
Sgt. Anderson served in Baghdad and Najaf with the 1st Armored Division, and received a Purple Heart.
Dennis Kyne (on guitar)
Fifteen year veteran of the U.S. Army who served with the 18th Airborne Corps during Operation Desert Storm.
Army Veteran, Desert Storm
Iraq Veterans Against the War Deployed
Courage to Resist
Counter Recruiting
Beyond Treason
Lt. Ehren Watada
Sir! No Sir!
Darrell Anderson
Witness to War Crimes
Iraq Veteran and War Resister
Sgt. Anderson served in Baghdad and Najaf with the 1st Armored Division, and received a Purple Heart.
Dennis Kyne
Witness to War Crimes
Army Veteran, Desert Storm
Iraq Veterans Against the War Deployed www.ivawdeployed.org
Beyond Treason www.beyondtreason.org
Courage to Resist www.couragetoresist.org
Counter Recruiting
Lt. Ehren Watada
www.thankyoult.org ]]>
Peter Parker has finally managed to strike a balance between his devotion to M.J. and his duties as a superhero. But there is a storm brewing on the horizon. When his suit suddenly changes, turning jet-black and enhancing his powers, it transforms Peter as well, bringing out the dark, vengeful side of his personality that he is struggling to control. Under the influence of the suit, Peter becomes overconfident and starts to neglect the people who care for him most. Forced to choose between the seductive power of the new suit and the compassionate hero he used to be, Peter must overcome his personal demons as two of the most-feared villains yet, Sandman and Venom, gather unparalleled power and a thirst for retribution to threaten Peter and everyone he loves.
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I got caught in a wild one while attempting to travel to Atlanta this weekend. Have a look at Newark Airport and environs as the biggest storm of the winter hits just a few days before the start of spring! View The Video Quicktime Video File Share This � Robert J. Safuto - visit The New York [...]
by Steven A. Stephens (S.A.S.)
The purpose of this video is meant to show the truth of what really took place in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. "The victims of this storm never had a chance!" Many believe the United States federal government should have done more in regards to the social, economic, and political welfare of the victims of our friends and our families. Many Americans citizens are still asking why, and they should be.
This video was made available thanks to MSNBC.
DISCLAIMER: Please be advised, Houston Humanitarian does not promote the the actions or opinions displayed herein, although we feel it is necessary to share this content with our viewers in order to help educate each other on what really took place during the relief efforts of Hurricane Katrina. We feel it is necessary for the citizens of the United States to form their own opinions on what they view herein. [Feedback can be left at feedback@houstonhumanitarian.com.]
by Steven A. Stephens (S.A.S.)
The purpose of this video is meant to show the "lack of response" for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, by the United States federal government. FEMA Director during the time of Hurricane Katrina openly admits to the governments lack of response to the storm victims. Many United States citizens, couldn't understand why the United States federal government preformed so poorly during this time.
This video was made available thanks to MSNBC.
DISCLAIMER: Please be advised, Houston Humanitarian does not promote the the actions or opinions displayed herein, although we feel it is necessary to share this content with our viewers in order to help educate each other on what really took place during the relief efforts of Hurricane Katrina. We feel it is necessary for the citizens of the United States to form their own opinions on what they view herein. [Feedback can be left at feedback@houstonhumanitarian.com.]
Watch what happens to Styrofoam, oil, pet waste, cigarette butts and any other trash not properly discarded - thay all can travel through the storm drain system straight to the ocean...and end up on your dinner plate! This Spanish language Public Service Announcement (PSA) was created for environmental group Heal the Bay.
Watch the incredible power and volume of a full-flowing storm drain during a heavy rain. All the water is from nearby streets in the Santa Monica Bay watershed, carrying trash, oil, pet waste....you name it...straight to the ocean...untreated. We're swimming in it. Visit healthebay.org to learn how to help!
Wow! What a way to wrap up the second week of February. This edition of Countdown has just about everything. We have the Congress voting no to Bush's escalation plan while some Republicans still continue to throw out the "you support terrorism" card. We have John Murtha wanting to make sure that our troops have the right equipment including the body armor that they need while the Repugnant Republicons continue to only care about hiding the waist of the corporations like Halliburton that have made hundreds of billions if not millions off of this war. Ten Billion dollars in waste and unaccounted for dollars yet still not enough armor for the troops. Why do the Repugnants hate our troops so much?
We have Bill O'Reilly finally slipping up and saying that which he says he will not speak of. We have people stranded in a snow storm in Pennsylvania, and we have car crashes to go along with it. We have worst persons Sean Hannity and Dennis Miller. We have video tape of the mall shooter and more.