The Top 10 George Carlin RoutinesFrom April 28th to May 30th 2013, the viewers of YouTube's GeorgeCarlinCentral cast their votes on "What's Your Favourite George Carlin Piece". 20 pieces were voted upon, and from May 31st to July 1st, these pieces were voted upon for the list of Top 10 George Carlin Routines. In that time, over 70 votes were cast to build up the Top 10 list. Of the 20 pieces up for votes, 4 pieces received no votes whatsoever, and 6 pieces received votes (2 each) but didn't secure a place on the list. Everything else made into the list of the Top 10 George Carlin Routines, as voted by the viewers of GeorgeCarlinCentral. Here is the complete Top 10 list, including Zero Votes and Honorable Mentions.