Solo Guitar Lesson Muse Surivial 2nd Law No Tab Needed!So you want to learn how to play Muse's New song "Survival" From their upcoming album Second (2nd) Law, the official Olympics 2012 song!? Well join me for a 2 part guitar tutorial and learn how to play one of the biggest tunes this year Choose to play the Rhythm Guitar chords Or the Lead guitar Or both!! For Free! GUITARIST UNITE! - Post your cover of this song on my video and get featured I and I'm sure a lot of people out there would love to see how you guys do with this awesome Muse Song!
For the Rhythm Guitar lesson click here IN about 2 hrs time :
We will be covering the lead guitar in this lesson and we have a great deal of techniques going on during this tune. Not only do we see a use of some very exotic scales but also tremolo picking, whammy bar tricks, chugging, melodic playing and some fast phrases all thrown in for great effect, it's a real work out on any guitarist looking at improving their technique with some Muse Guitar ...