Earth is being invaded by Aliens. The UFO ships are dropping Aliens in your town. Use your driving skills to squish as many as you can before its too late. Will you put all that driving skill to good use? Can you save the people from an Alien Invasion?
Original footage by Yalcin Yalmin Alien analysis by Mario Valdes Presented by Zan Ferris and Dr. Roger Leir Edited by Mike Gleeson Filmed at the Ventura County UFO Festival November 28th, 2010 at the Four Points Sheraton Ventura, California
Since 2000, and permitted by the WVDEP, and US EPA looks on. Folks, the governments is doing nothing, so why not have the media pick this up. Got documents, videos, and still pictures.
Aliens and spaceships are now a part of pop culture, and many are fascinated by the possibility of alien contact with earth. learns more about World UFO Day that takes place each year on July 2.