Leo Laporte was giving Geoff Smith a nice plug for RingtoneFeeder.com on a recent Daily Giz Wiz podcast and mentioning that Geoff never did a jingle for TWiT.
Here is the response from Geoff, hope you like it.
Little Miss Gamer discovers that there are certain things that can't be replicated on a home console - like pinball! Join LMG as she interviews Levi Nayman, a pinball wiz with a showroom filled with old and new pinball machines. Classic cabinets reviewed include: Dimension, Night Rider, and Eight Ball.
Former wall st wiz and now full time nice guy, dave neubert, discusses socially responsible investing, his sit thepanelist.com, and how he'll make you rich in the most guilt free way.....The first of a video series.
Jon Hammond Band with the most diverse age group quartet: from age 20 (Brett Ryan) to 60+ (Tootsie Bean) with guitarist Matt Smith and Jon in between! Veteran drummer Tootsie Bean kicking the group playing an organ blues with Texan guitar wiz Matt Smith and young talented Brett Ryan on alto sax at New York jazz club/restaurant Cleopatra's Needle. Camera: Jennifer Enjoy! Jon's site: http://www.HammondCast.com c)2006