News Bulletin 4 May 2012 -- The Christian InstituteThe Conservative Party could lose up to 30 Parliamentary seats in the next general election if it continues with its plans to redefine marriage -- A poll conducted in the Prime Ministers own constituency of Witney has revealed that 75 per cent of those who voted for David Cameron at the last general election, 'don't' want marriage redefined -- An Anglican Lay Reader has been suspended from preaching and leading worship for 2 months by the acting Archdeacon of Croydon for encouraging his congregation to sign the Coalition for Marriage petition -- Gloucestershire County Council has removed all references to God from its prayer, spoken at the start of council meetings -- The BBC is to review a controversial sex education video for children as young as nine following concerns from parents -- Sir Paul Coleridge, a senior family court judge, has launched 'The Marriage Foundation', and says that the new organization aims to boost marriage, and curb Britain's divorce culture -- And former Olympic Champion Marion Jones has been talking about meeting God and her humbling experience in prison whilst serving time for perjury.