Es curioso que Coca-Cola en España esté intentando promocionar su nuevo anuncio La fábrica de la felicidad fijando su estreno para el próximo día 10 a las 10 de la noche, cuando este anuncio ya puede verse en Internet desde Agosto.
Videopost en el que reflexiono sobre como internet y los blogs pueden ayudar a dinamizar Palencia, ya que aporta nuevas herramientas de comunicación para nuestra proviencia.
De joven soñaba con ayudar a las distintas asociaciones y al tejido social a comunicarse entre si, a dialogar y a cumplir sus objetivos comunes. Hay muchas formas de fomentar esta comunicación, e internet es uno de ellos.
Creo que podemos crear puentes entre personas y entre asociaciones, para poco a poco cumplir nuestros sueños en nuestro hogar común que es Palencia.
Yo quiero contribuir a mejorar mi entorno, con lo que mejor se hacer, que es por un lado charlar con mis amigos, hacer teatro, o disfrutar de lo cultural en Palencia, y por otro lado el usar internet para crear espacios de participación social.
Espero que poco a poco estas herramientas contribuyan a mejorar nuestra vida.
A quick video I made for one of my bestest friends, Karin! I am truly sorry it took so long, my computer's been acting weird lately. Well that, or veoh.
Anywho, here ya go!
hey everyone sry about this comin sooo late
prob is my comp has like aloooott of viruses and so i cant even log bak onto my comp ne more and my files werea on there and i couldnt find my camcorder for a hilw but now i did ya me! hah so im uploadin it from my sisters comp
well guys those of u who want the mirror ver...i thot i was able to flip it with movie makers but it didnt work out...cuz i think i didnt something if u guys wanna try it jus dl the vid and use movie maker and try and flip it so yea! sry! well hope u guy have fun!!! o yea if u wana see my other dances i upl it onto youtube jus type in my screenname from here onto youtube k!
From childbirth to marriage, nothing is really complete without her raunchy moves and silly but effusive wishes. (easily identifiable by anybody who has shelled out money to the groups of transvestites that land up on every auspicious occasion in India).
Insanin evrimi iddiasinin gercekte bilimsel bir kaniti yoktur. "Kanit" olarak ileri surulenler, bazı fosillerin tarafli olarak yorumlanmasindan ibarettir. Evrimciler, teorilerini bilimsel bulgulara dayanarak degil, bilimsel bulgulara ragmen savunmaktadirlar! Ortada ne olursa olsun, koru korune savunulan bir teori vardir ve ele gecirilen her aleyhte bulgu, bu teoriye uydurulmak icin carpitilmakta ya da gormezden gelinmektedir. Kisacasi, evrim teorisi bilim degildir. Bilime ragmen yasatilan bir dogmadir. Ancak ne kadar ugrasirlarsa ugrassinlar, gercek apacik ortadadir: İnsan, bilincsiz bir evrim sureciyle degil, Allah'in yaratmasiyla bu dunya uzerinde var olmustur ve dolayisiyla O'na karsi sorumludur.
Video about a mod for the game Mount&blade, made at the Taleworlds dot com forums. I did not create the video, nor did I contribute anything but my luck wishes to the mod itself. The mods name is "Expanded Gameplay II", a truly worthy successor of its previous build, with the name: "Expanded Gameplay" (You didn't expect that, now did ya?)
Happy watching.
yes another slideshow...
i've held it for to long (scine working on AMV's)
so i'm puting it on just ta keep yas all busy while i make another on and try to save my other one...-_-
^^ an old comment for youtube ya know....
A remake of my beyblade slideshow! like all other remakes new pictures start at the start of the credits of the original! ALSO wit A remake of my beyblade slideshow! like all other remakes new pictures start at the start of the credits of the original! ALSO with this...there is a suprise at the end of the credits in this remake! something some of ya been wating to see from me...!!! oh...i guess i gave it away in the title...OH WELL ENJOY! ^-^
Ensayo para Otakuton de nuestra version de Jyoshi Kashimashi Monogatari, en este video faltan 3 chicas, ya que se retiraron temprano del ensayo, por eso se ven espacios. ^^
An amv I made in honor of Yamapi.
Hope ya'll like it because I had fun making it. PAYCE!
Song : This Boy's Fire by Carlos Santana Featuring Jennifer Lopez
This was my first ever AMV and my Best friend Victoria worked on it too it was also her first so we did some experimenting just messing around ya know. Well...Enjoy! Hope you like our messed up experiment! LOL
oks o thsiu was actually easy to make but still i hope u all like it ^+^ and the sing is called treat or goblin heh ehh so i hope u liek it oha nd i too the clips from the Op of the game and the 1000 words ... so iu hope ya l;ike it enjoy ^+^