Hi, My name is Yu from Tokyo,Japan. I'm 14 years old. Today, I make first video for home work. but, I had explosion,,,!!! Why not ,,??? Anyone,, PLZ translation to English! Thank you!
Robo Station is a Multi-Disciplinary Robotics program that has been specially tailored to teach young School and College students on Robotics and trains them to Build, Connect, Program and Innovate Robots at our premises.
In this video I’ll share 5 tips I use to increase productivity each week In Gary Keller’s book The One Thing he refers to a study that indicates “workers are interrupted every 11 minutes and then spend almost 30% of their day recovering from these distractions.” DAMN TRUE. Ok, so 30% of my day is a total waste (I’d guess more) and the average American works 40 hours… If I cut the waste, thats 2 hours of savings per day, 12 hours of savings per week, and 576 hours of savings per year!
What if you approached that girl at the bar? Would you guys hook up? Date? Maybe get married? Honestly, probably nothing, but ya know you should still watch the video.
Eine emotionale Liebeserklärung für alle, die der eigenen Mutter zum Muttertag, Valentinstag oder Geburtstag endlich einmal DANKE sagen wollen. Das Lied eignet sich hierfür auch für einem anderen liebevollen Menschen.
• Phụ đề tiếng Việt được thực hiện bởi Bird Garden Team. Làm ơn không re-up và mang ra ngoài dưới mọi hình thức! • Link Page: https://www.facebook.com/produce101vietnam/
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This is a recitation of Holy Quran (Koran) in English language. Koran is a sacred book that contains the words of God. It was revealed in verses overtime to Prophet Muhammad by Angel Gabriel. Holy Quran (Koran) is the last of the books that was sent to the last of the prophets, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) to mankind.