Core conditioning complex Ab StrengthWBSITE: YOUR WORKOUT MANUAL: ORIGINAL POST:
Core Exercise Conditioning Complex
- This complex should not be a walk in the park. Perform the movements with concentration and medium intensity. DO NOT JUST LET THE BAG SWING like a pendulum.
I mention each movement x 25 in the video. That's hard.
Complex Progression
Perform 10 - 20 swings to start
Add resistance
Shorten or length the rest period
I will be posting some more conditioning complexes up as bonuses on Bull Strength Conditioning to everyone on the newsletter - this is just to wet your appetite!
If your grip is the limiting factor, lighten the weight or wrap the bulgarian training bag ends tighter so you can perform the core exercises and conditioning
Oh, and don't worry, you will not need any special equipment for many of the other complexes!
Joe Hashey, CSCS
bulgarian training bag, how to make a bulgarian bag, core exercises, ...