Taking Feedback Like A Manhttp://johnseiferth.com
Day 24 of the 39 Day Challenge. Taking Feedback Like A Man.
Feedback can be difficult to take.
The MOST difficult thing is not on the receiving side, it is on the giving side. Try giving honest, open feedback for an entire week. Don't hold anything back. Don't try to be nice. Say exactly what is in your head.
I guarantee it will be the most difficult week of your life.
Now, that's not to say receiving it is easy either. Has anyone ever given you straight, unabashed negative feedback about something you've done that you were proud of?
How did that feel?
How did you react?
Were you angry? Resentful? Violent? Resistant?
Don't beat yourself up. That is perfectly normal. Only those that have trained themselves to accept feedback as just that... feedback, have the ability to look at it neutrally. As something that can help them to get better. As a way of improving themselves.
Well, I received some unabashed, negative feedback about some videos I've been putting out there from the person closest to me, my wife. And how did I react?
Anger. Resentment. Resistance. Right on queue.
However, after processing what she had done for me, I came around and was able to take the feedback as it was... feedback.