Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers his "The Life of Peter: A Fisherman's Completion of Faith" sermon, fifth and last in the series, at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on April 1, 2012.
Pastor Kevin Hintze delivers his "The Life of Peter: A Fisherman's Denial of Faith" sermon, fourth in the series, at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on March 25, 2012.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers his "The Life of Peter: A Fisherman's Confession of Faith" sermon, third in the series, at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on March 18, 2012.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers his "The Life of Peter: A Fisherman's Walk of Faith" sermon, second in the series, at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on March 4, 2012.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers his "The Life of Peter: A Fisherman's Call to Faith" sermon, first in a new series, at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on February 26, 2012.
Pastor Kevin Hintze delivers his "Redeeming Relationships: Relationship with the World" sermon, seventh and last in the series, at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on February 19, 2012.
Pastor Kevin Hintze delivers his "Redeeming Relationships: Relationship With Church" sermon, sixth in the series, at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on February 12, 2012.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers his "Redeeming Relationships: Relationship With Work" sermon, fifth in the series, at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on February 5, 2012.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers his "Redeeming Relationships: Relationship With Friends" sermon, fourth in the series, at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on January 29, 2012.
Pastor Kevin Hintze delivers his "Redeeming Relationships: Relationship With Family" sermon, third in the series, at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on January 22, 2012.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers his "Redeeming Relationships: Relationship With Family" sermon, second in the series, at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on January 15, 2012.
Pastor Kevin Hintze delivers his sermon, "Redeeming Relationships: Relationship with God", first in a series, at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on January 8, 2012.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers his "What Child Is This" sermon at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on Christmas Day, 2011. If possible, please watch this video FIRST as the sermon refers to it:
Pastor Kevin Hintze delivers his sermon, "Comfort, Comfort Ye My People", at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on November 20, 2011. This sermon is the first of a series of Advent sermons.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt helps celebrate All Saints Day with his sermon, "The Song of the Saints" at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on November 6, 2011.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt is Martin Luther in, "Luther and the Truth That Sets Him Free" at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on October 30, 2011.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers his "Thank You for Your Perseverance" sermon at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on September 25, 2011.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers his "Thank You for Your Partnership" sermon at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on September 18, 2011.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers Part Two of his two-part "Melchizedek, Messiah & Mission" sermon at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on June 26, 2011.
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers Part One of his two-part "Melchizedek, Messiah & Mission" sermon at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on June 19, 2011.