Phoenix Trademark Attorney 480-382-3109
Let the experienced Phoenix, AZ trademark attorneys at The Peddy Berg Law Firm help protect your business' brand and identity.
One of the most valuable assets a business has is its brand, which consists of its name and logo. A federal trademark registration issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a business' tradename and/or trademark provides your business with many important benefits and protections -- which includes the ability to exclude anyone else from using the your registered trademark. Although the trademark application is available on-line for anyone to complete, if you receive no advice or bad advice and your trademark application is rejected, not only will you lose all of your registration fee, but you may ultimately lose the ability to use your business' name and/or logo if someone files an application for the same trademark and their application is approved before yours.
An experienced trademark attorney will help guide you through the registration process, ask the right questions to get to know your business and give you the best chance at having your trademark approved. Most trademark applications are performed for a low flat fee.
The information you obtain in this video is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. This video is provided for educational purposes and is not intended to be a solicitation of business or to establish and attorney-client relationship.
The Peddy Berg Law Firm, PLLC
6380 E. Thomas Road, Suite 328
Scottsdale, AZ 85251