Domestic Partners“Domestic Partners” is a sarcastic, quick-witted comedy focusing on the lives of 4
roommates, Regan, Charles, Natalie and Landon. Regan, an awkward social outcast with very few friends who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth (a STERLING, silver spoon) and never comfortable with her servant filed, every need met childhood, abandons her parent’s money while in college. Wanting to live a “normal” life she discovers that she has the Midas Touch, when after graduating, she and her boyfriend create a new, hot website, which turns them into dotcom millionaires. Regan is broken-hearted when her boyfriend chooses to embrace his newfound wealth, driving her into the isolation of her oversized home. The only break in her depression is the time she spends gazing and fantasizing about the hot next-door neighbor guy. In an effort to slowly reemerge into society, and going totally against her mother’s advice, she advertises for three roommates, setting up the foundation for the series.