Kritik ist wichtig. Wir holen sie uns. Diesmal von Journalist Karsten Huhn. Der bei der Evangelischen Nachrichtenagentur in Berlin arbeitet. Und nebenbei "Reportage"-Seminare an der Axel Springer Akademie leitet.
apparently i have a veoh account so i'll be uploading all my videos here as well as youtube when it's being a butthole to me -.- in this exciting episode matsuda isn't feeling so well so axel decides to try and cheer him up... poorly D: omi catches near doing something he shouldn't have seen him do and roxas gives a good friend a shout out
Schichtwechsel: Die Schüler von Team 5 der Axel Springer Akademie verlassen WELT KOMPAKT und schwärmen in ihre Stammredaktionen aus - ab sofort ist Team 6 am Ball. Zum Abschied präsentiert Team 5 noch ein paar Erinnerungen ans letzte halbe Jahr...
I don't know, I was thinking of trying something a little bit different,and new. also I Hadn't posted anything on here for a while. so, this is one of my last "dubs" of 2009. The Cast: Roxas: Rade
Axel: Quinton Flynn
Namuine: Meghan Jette Martin?
Music: Truth by Akia Yamaoka Enjoy
Das Jahr 2009 geht zu Ende und die 1800 Mitarbeiter von Axel Springer in Berlin feiern eine groÃe Weihnachtsparty mit leckerem Buffet. Wie immer ein Highlight: Die Führungskräfte hinterm Tresen beim Bier- und Weinausschank.
Konvex-T, directed by Johan Lundh, is a recent submission to ECU 2010's Short category!
Axel is a sad man living in a nightmarish, strange world. One day he finds a big boil on his buttock, that will change his life.
Check out this Teaser!!
A Make This Video With Some Idea That My Sister Give Me This Video Is About The Movie Van Helsing The Song Is Call The Masquerade Ball By Axel Rudi Pell
Sweden's human rights ambassador jan Axel Nordlander joins Slovenian law professor Dragan Petrovec for a Council of europe discussion on capital punishment to mark Europe's day against the death penalty.