In Episode #15 the Flowergod designs a tea set arrangement using bamboo, bamboo foliage, spray roses, sprouted iris bulbs, and ivy leaves with chopsticks as an accent.
Amazing hand-held Fire work display, where these guys take two to three months of training and hold these bamboo structures and light their fireworks off while fire/ashes rain down on them. It was awesome.
hi i am a friend (in game) of this user. i got to know her well and she gave me her info. so i decided to make this hunt video. its nothing special this is my first video and i haven't touched anything >.< i use hyper cam
Mash the footage from the upcoming film, Disturbia, with your personal video to show us the dark side of your neighborhood.
The 10 best videos will be chosen and one winner will receive an XBOX 360™!
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