Countdown with Keith Olbermann - Friday May 4, 2007Hillary Clinton wants to de-authorize the war in Iraq. Keith Comments on the Republican Debate. All you need to know about that is if you are a white male who believes a woman's place is on a Betty Crocker box, or if you want to double up the deaths in Iraq, if you are anti-stem cell research, if you like us to be beholding to big corporations and big business, if you believe some lawmaker knows more about what a woman should be able to do with her body more than her or her doctor , if you don't believe in the separation of church and state, then vote for one of these idiots.
More on Karl Rove's involvement in Gonzogate. A segment on the the police attacking protestors in L.A. Britney gives a very short concert and it's 45 days in the pokey for Paris Hilton. Oddball plays of the month.