I Got Next Movie I Got Next is a free documentary on the fighting video game scene created by Ian Cofino (with much support from my friends and family). It originally started as my senior project at Purchase College, School of Art and Design, and has grown to something much bigger thanks to the dedicated and passionate players in the community. Originally envisioned as a short documentary, I Got Next has grown into a feature length production, which will see two releases, a short cut on June 26th and a longer cut in the winter of '09. Here's a link to the trailer: www.igotnextmovie.com HD youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb76Sn1YvTc I also want to thank everyone who has donated so far, the response I'm getting to the trailer alone is really overwhelming. The donations will really help with equipment costs and travel expenses going forward. If you'd like to support the project in other ways, please tell your friends, I'd be great to have as many people learn about this as possible. Thanks again. http://www.igotnextmovie.com/donate.html THIS IS NOT MY MOVIE