This is a montage of some old photos and footage from the 2007 NSW I.C state titles for 8th scale and tourer. It's a video to mark the NSWRCRCC's 30th Anniversary that will be celebrated on the 1st and 2nd of December 2007 with a massive race day and banquet!
This one is a lot clearer than some of their more ambiguous songs. It's about a guy who got in a fight and lost his arm, taking the other guy's eye. Both grow old and bitter. The armless man's girlfriend is pregnant but doesn't want to raise the child with him. Eventually, after much time both men meet by chance in a bar. Before the armless man can get revenge, a dark stranger comes in and kills the redhead. A boy, presumably the blond guy's son sees it. And in the end he's robbed of his vengeance.
a talented Korean group, can even play their own instrument. the vocalist has a good voice. i cant believe all of them are so young. im loving their album debut as well...
Herbert R. O’Connor joins the Longines Chronoscope panel to discuss subversives within the United Nations. O’Connor believes that the UN has the right to interrogate any member who is affiliated with a communist party, but not residing within a communist country, who was subversive in the past, or who declines to answer questions about subversives. While having communist members in the UN is a problem, O’Connor does not believe that the UN should be dissolved. Also briefly discussed is the crime rate in America and the monitoring of its increasing magnitude. See the full length video at:
Lavender Diamond is lead by singer/songwriter Rebecca Stark. A sweet, young woman from the mid-West, Rebecca teamed up with college friend Elvis Perkins to form the group. Elvis plays the guitar with warmth and clarity, while Rebecca, a trained opera singer, sings in a truly angelic voice. Lavender Diamond's music is so dreamy that you might mistake it for a fairytale. The peaceful tone in Rebecca's voice can be enjoyed morning or night. Either way, Lavender Diamond is too special to miss.
Join the Revolution! Visit to find out more about the post apocalyptic candidates for the race for New America! In theaters October 19th!
My third Photoshop CS3 tutorial. In this video, I do some very basic and simple color corrections using hue/saturation adjustment layers.
Concepts covered: adjustment layers, masks, color correction
Those of you who already know your way around Photoshop should probably not waste your time watching this video. It's meant for beginners.
This tutorial is my copyrighted property, but you're free to share it. Just be a decent human being and credit me if you spread it around.